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The NRW state championship took place in Hinsbeck on 13/04/2014. Unfortunately, TAO Bonn was only able to take part with three starters this year. But still – 3 starters, 3 medals!

Leon Klemm competed in the U12 category and was able to repeat his silver medal success from last year. In his second competition, he was beaten in his first fight by an experienced, older boy and lost by a clear 13:4. He quickly recovered from this defeat and showed what he had learnt in training in his second fight. He won this fight confidently with 15:7 points.

Emil Petzold took part in his first competition and competed in the U9 category. He won his first fight effortlessly. In his second fight, he faced an opponent who was far superior to him in terms of experience and weight. At first, everything seemed to indicate that Emil would lose this fight, but when the score was 4:1 in his opponent’s favour, he recognised his opponent’s weak points and managed to win 5:5. In overtime, he did not allow his opponent to score any more points and won this fight 9:5. A well-deserved gold medal!

In the afternoon there was another medal for Hans Lütz. As there were too few entries in his age group, he fought his way to a good third place against U45 starters with the sword form.

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